It’s time for a round up of this month’s happenings on The Oaken Bookcase.
I’ll start with the good stuff: RAK. This was the first month I joined in with the Random Acts of Kindness and I was lucky enough to be sent two presents! Thanks very much!
- Tigana, Guy Gavriel Kay from Cait of Escape Through the Pages
- Everneath, Brodi Ashton from LadyStorm of Books, Movies, Reviews, Oh My!
I sent out two books as well:
- Daughter of Smoke and Bone, Laini Taylor for Natalie and
- Pandemonium, Lauren Oliver for Cait.
I’ve decided not to sign up for RAK for April, mainly because my to-read list is enormous already and as much as I love receiving books, I don’t really want to add to it at the moment. I may still send out a present or two!
Books I reviewed this month:
- How to Be A Pirate, Cressida Cowell, Rating:
- The Forever Girl, Rebecca Hamilton, Rating:
- Gate to Kandrith, Nicole Luiken, Rating:
- The Book of Lost Fragrances, M.J. Rose, Rating:
- Vitality, Tim Andrewartha, Rating:
- The Night Circus, Erin Morgenstern, Rating:
- WiSpY, Rob Andrews, Rating:
– Giveaway is still on for this book!
You’ve been a busy bee this month! Good work on getting out all those reviews 🙂 I still don’t quite get how this whole RAK thing works so I think I’ll get you to explain it to me at some point 🙂
Philippa recently posted..WWW Wednesday #1
It’s not as complicated as it sounds, honest 🙂 It’s all explained at Book Soulmates, actually! I’ll explain though, hehe.