November’s all done and dusted – hello summer!
It’s been another busy month and I’ve been working on other projects, but I’ve still been reading plenty so there have been plenty of reviews. I started joining in with Cover Lover and I’ve got plenty of great looking covers to add to that soon!
I hope those of you who took part in NaNoWriMo were successful!
Reviews for November:
- Rating:
Silver, Talia Vance
- Rating:
Crewel, Gennifer Albin
- Rating:
Angelkiller and
- Rating:
Traitor Angel, H. David Blalock
- Rating:
Thrall: Twilight of the Aspects, Christie Golden
- Rating:
Days of Blood and Starlight, Laini Taylor
- Rating:
The Hobbit, JRR Tolkien
- The Light Between Oceans, ML Stedman – Our bookclub book for this month. I really didn’t enjoy it, although many of the other ladies in the group did. All I can say is, bring your tissues! I wrote a review on Goodreads but won’t post it here.
- The Arrival, Shaun Tan – an awesome book filled with beautiful sketches and no words. I may write a review for this one eventually, but do yourself a favour and check it out.
- Jack Templar: Monster Hunter, Jeff Gunhus – review coming soon!
My favourite? Well I really enjoyed Days of Blood and Starlight, sequel to Daughter of Smoke and Bone, but I think my highlight has to be re-reading The Hobbit. I’m so excited for the movie release!
Coming up in December
It’s December and that means holidays are coming! For me this actually means I’ll probably get less reading time rather than more, but here’s hoping, right? 😛
To get into the Christmas spirit I’m going to take part in Random Acts of Kindness this month, to give away a few books. Just head over to Book Soulmates to sign up! Well actually, their December sign-up isn’t available juuust yet, but in a day or two it will be 😉
I hope you have a very happy and safe month!