Review: Happy Hour in Hell, Tad Williams

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Review: Happy Hour in Hell, Tad Williams

Happy Hour in Hell (Goodreads) Author:  Tad Williams (website) Follow @tadwilliams Rating: I’ve been told to go to Hell more times than I can count. But this time I’m actually going. My name’s Bobby Dollar, sometimes known as Doloriel, and of course, Hell isn’t a great place for someone like me – I’m an angel. They don’t […]

Review: Shadows, Paula Weston

This review is part of the Discover Aussie Fantasy feature, running during July on The Oaken Bookcase. You can find details of the feature and enter the giveaway on the Aussie Fantasy page! Shadows (Goodreads) Author:  Paula Weston (website) Follow @PaulaWeston Rating: It’s almost a year since Gaby Winters was in the car crash that killed […]

Review: In The End, Alexandra Rowland

In The End (Goodreads) Author:  Alexandra Rowland (website) Follow @_alexrowland Rating: The Fallen Angel Lucien never expected the world to end. Inconveniently enough, it did. He and Lalael, an angel of the Higher Realm, are abandoned to make their way in what’s left of the world. It has changed, however. Uncountable humans have died or vanished, and […]

Review: The Seers, MD Kaczkowski

Title: The Seers: New World Order (Goodreads) Author:  M.D. Kaczkowski (website) Rating: The Seers introduces a world where good battles evil for the world’s soul. The fate of humanity rests in the hands of the Seers, a handful of humans with the rare ability to see the unseen, who call their Angels into action to do battle with […]

Review: The Dirty Streets of Heaven, Tad Williams

Title: The Dirty Streets of Heaven (Goodreads) Author:  Tad Williams (website)  Follow @tadwilliams Rating: Bobby Dollar is an angel—a real one. He knows a lot about sin, and not just in his professional capacity as an advocate for souls caught between Heaven and Hell. Bobby’s wrestling with a few deadly sins of his own—pride, anger, even lust. But […]

Review: Days of Blood and Starlight, Laini Taylor

Title: Days of Blood and Starlight (Goodreads) Author:  Laini Taylor (@lainitaylor) Rating: Once upon a time, an angel and a devil fell in love and dared to imagine a new way of living – one without massacres and torn throats and bonfires of the fallen, without revenants or bastard armies or children ripped from their mothers’ arms to […]

Tour: Review: Angelkiller and Traitor Angel, H. David Blalock

Welcome to The Oaken Bookcase’s stop on the Traitor Angel tour! In this post you will find my reviews for both books one (Angelkiller) and two (Traitor Angel) in this trilogy. Make sure to stop by the other stops on the tour for more opinions and other goodies! Title: Angelkiller (Goodreads) Author:  H. David Blalock Rating: Why […]

Guest Review: Embrace, Jessica Shirvington

This is a guest review from Philippa of Tea, Daydreams and Fairytales. It is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway – you could win a copy of Embrace! Also, check out the […]

Review: Dark Kiss, Michelle Rowen

Title: Dark Kiss (Goodreads) Author:  Michelle Rowen (@michellerowen) Rating: I don’t do dangerous.  Smart, über-careful, ordinary Samantha-that’s me. But I just couldn’t pass up a surprise kiss from my number-one unattainable crush. A kiss that did something to me…something strange. Now I feel hungry all the time, but not for food. It’s like part of me is missing-and […]

Review: Talisman of El, Alecia Stone

Title: Talisman of El (Goodreads) Author:  Alecia Stone (@Alecia_Stone) Rating: When 14-year-old Char­lie Blake wakes up sweat­ing and gasp­ing for air in the mid­dle of the night, he knows it is hap­pen­ing again. This time he wit­nesses a bru­tal mur­der. He’s afraid to tell any­one. No one would believe him … because it was a dream. Just like the […]

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