Review: Long Lost Song, Stephen C Ormsby

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Review: Long Lost Song, Stephen C Ormsby

This review is part of the Discover Aussie Fantasy feature, running during July on The Oaken Bookcase. You can find details of the feature and enter the giveaway on the Aussie Fantasy page! Long Lost Song (Goodreads) Author:  Stephen C Ormsby (website) Follow @IdeasCaptured Rating: A virus is decimating America today and Michael Decker is the culprit. […]

Review: The 5th Wave, Rick Yancey

The 5th Wave (Goodreads) Author:  Rick Yancey (website) Follow @RickYancey Rating: The 1st Wave took out half a million people. The 2nd Wave put that number to shame. The 3rd Wave lasted a little longer, twelve weeks… four billion dead. In the 4th Wave, you can’t trust that people are still people. And the 5th Wave? No one knows. But […]

Review: Talisman of El, Alecia Stone

Title: Talisman of El (Goodreads) Author:  Alecia Stone (@Alecia_Stone) Rating: When 14-year-old Char­lie Blake wakes up sweat­ing and gasp­ing for air in the mid­dle of the night, he knows it is hap­pen­ing again. This time he wit­nesses a bru­tal mur­der. He’s afraid to tell any­one. No one would believe him … because it was a dream. Just like the […]

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