Review: Wither, Lauren DeStefano

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Review: Wither, Lauren DeStefano

Title: Wither (Goodreads) Author: Lauren DeStefano (@LaurenDeStefano) Rating: By age sixteen, Rhine Ellery has four years left to live. A botched effort to create a perfect race has left all males born with a lifespan of 25 years, and females a lifespan of 20 years–leaving the world in a state of panic. Geneticists seek a miracle antidote […]

Tour: Traitor, Megan Curd – Excerpt and Giveaway

Welcome to The Oaken Bookcase’s stop on the Traitor Blog Tour! Today I’m pleased to share with you an excerpt from Traitor, the second book in the Bridger series.  Excerpt The snarls of the Changelings filled the air, along with the acrid scent of their black magic. Electricity sizzled and made my hair stand on end […]

Review: Throne of Glass, Sarah J Maas

Title: Throne of Glass (Goodreads) Author:  Sarah J Maas (@sjmaas) Rating: In the dark, filthy salt mines of Endovier, an eighteen-year-old girl is serving a life sentence. She is a trained assassin, the best of her kind, but she made a fatal mistake: she got caught. Young Captain Westfall offers her a deal: her freedom in […]

Review: Fire in the Sea, Myke Bartlett

This post is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway!  Title: Fire in the Sea (Goodreads) Author:  Myke Bartlett (@mykebartlett) Rating: Sadie is sixteen and bored with life in Perth. It’s summer, and lazing on […]

Review: Return of the Ancients, Greig Beck

This post is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway – you could win a copy of Return of the Ancients! Title: Return of the Ancients (Goodreads) Author:  Greig Beck (@GreigBeck) Rating: Return of the Ancients […]

Dream Cast for Embrace, Jessica Shirvington

This post is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway! You may have already seen yesterday’s guest review of Embrace by Jessica Shirvington. Today, I’d like to welcome Lisa, the Badass Bookie herself, to […]

Guest Review: Embrace, Jessica Shirvington

This is a guest review from Philippa of Tea, Daydreams and Fairytales. It is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway – you could win a copy of Embrace! Also, check out the […]

Review: Shadowfell, Juliet Marillier

This review is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway! Title: Shadowfell (Goodreads) Author:  Juliet Marillier Rating: The people of Alban are afraid. The tyrannical king and his masked Enforcers are scouring the land, burning villages […]

Review: Memory’s Wake, Selina Fenech

This review is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running all July on The Oaken Bookcase. Please visit the Aussie Fantasy page to see the other reviews and articles and also to enter the giveaway! Title: Memory’s Wake (Goodreads) Author:  Selina Fenech (@SelinaFenech) Rating: Lost in a world full of monstrous fairies, a troubled sixteen year old has to find out […]

Review: Finnikin of the Rock, Melina Marchetta

This review is part of the Discover Australian Fantasy feature, running during July on The Oaken Bookcase. You can visit the Aussie Fantasy page for more information and to enter the giveaway while you’re here! Title: Finnikin of the Rock (Goodreads) Author:  Melina Marchetta (@MMarchetta1) Rating: At the age of nine, Finnikin is warned by the […]

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