Review: A Storm of Swords, George RR Martin


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Review: A Storm of Swords, George RR Martin

Title: A Storm of Swords (Goodreads) Author:  George R.R. Martin (website) Rating: Of the five contenders for power, one is dead, another in disfavor, and still the wars rage as violently as ever, as alliances are made and broken. Joffrey, of House Lannister, sits on the Iron Throne, the uneasy ruler of the land of the Seven […]

Cover Lover: Terra

Welcome to Cover Lover, where I share my favourite covers! Hannah  of Once Upon a Time is the inventor of this particular “meme”, so head over there to see the covers she’s already shared. My to-read pile just grows and grows – I can’t help it. Even though I have a load of books on […]

Review: The Wild Girl, Kate Forsyth

Title: The Wild Girl (Goodreads) Author:  Kate Forsyth (website) Rating: Dortchen Wild fell in love with Wilhelm Grimm the first time she saw him. Growing up in the small German kingdom of Hessen-Cassel in early Nineteenth century, Dortchen Wild is irresistibly drawn to the boy next door, the young and handsome fairy tale scholar Wilhelm Grimm.  It […]

Tea in the Treetops: Episode 1: Introductions

It’s time for something a little different on the Oaken Bookcase today! I’d like to welcome you to listen to the first “pilot” episode of Tea in the Treetops – a new podcast project I’ve been working on with my book buddy Phillipa, from the Tea, Daydreams and Fairytales blog. We plan to make this a fairly […]

Blogaversary Giveaway

A year ago, was registered and this site was born! To celebrate my first blogaversary (and also my birthday which happens to also be today), I’m giving away a book to one of you, my lovely readers! I’d like to thank all of you – readers, authors and publishers, who have made the last […]

Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, JK Rowling

Title: Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone (Goodreads) Author:  J.K. Rowling (website) (twitter) Rating: Harry Potter has no idea how famous he is. That’s because he’s being raised by his miserable muggle aunt and uncle who are terrified Harry will learn that he’s really a wizard, just as his parents were. But everything changes when Harry is […]

Five For Friday: Favourite Books

Recently, I was asked you to provide my one favourite author and one favourite book. Now, as a voracious reader, I found that very difficult to do. I stood next to my bookshelf at home and looked and looked, but favourites are really not easy to identify – there have been so many books that I’ve […]

Review: The Serpent Sea, Martha Wells

Title: The Serpent Sea (Goodreads) Author:  Martha Wells (website) Rating: Moon, once a solitary wanderer, has become consort to Jade, sister queen of the Indigo Cloud court. Together, they travel with their people on a pair of flying ships in hopes of finding a new home for their colony. Moon finally feels like he’s found a tribe […]

Excerpt: Between Dark and Light, DA Adams

Welcome to The Oaken Bookcase’s stop on Between Dark and Light Blog Tour! This post includes an excerpt from Between Dark and Light, book four in the Brotherhood of Dwarves series. You can find links to the other blogs participating on the tour page at Seventh Star Press. Title: Between Dark and Light (Goodreads) Author:  D. […]

Review: Star Wars: Scoundrels, Timothy Zahn

Title: Star Wars: Scoundrels (Goodreads) Author: Timothy Zahn (Facebook) Rating: Han Solo should be basking in his moment of glory. After all, the cocky smuggler and captain of the Millennium Falcon just played a key role in the daring raid that destroyed the Death Star and landed the first serious blow to the Empire in its war against […]

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